Trump tells Christian voters they "won't have to vote again" if he wins 2024 election

The Republican candidate seems to lean towards abolishing one of the greatest democratic achievements ever.

Donald Trump has just confirmed one of the worst fears among his opponents and namely that he is going to scrap democracy in the United States once re-established in the White House.

Speaking this week at the Believers Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida, the Republican candidate said,

“Christians, get out and vote, just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore... In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

While some media columnists in the U.S. and Europe blamed Trump’s flawed language and incapacity of forming coherent thoughts, it nonetheless can be interpreted as a clear intention of Trump to abolish the U.S. electoral system, one of the pillars of American democracy.

Trump received an avalanch of criticism both from Democrats and some Republicans, who accused him of autoritarianism.

More to read:
Trump wants to change America dramatically during his second term.

To worst.

California Representative Adam Schiff, a Senate candidate, shared a clip of Trump’s comments on X: “This year democracy is on the ballot, and if we are to save it, we must vote against authoritarianism. Here Trump helpfully reminds us that the alternative is never having the chance to vote again.”

Washington Representative Pramila Jayapal said,

“This. Is. Terrifying. We cannot let this be the case,” while New York Representative Dan Goldman stated, “The only way ‘you won’t have to vote anymore’ is if Donald Trump becomes a dictator.”

Yet the Trump campaign claimed the comments were about uniting the country. A spokesperson claimed that Trump was referring to „bringing prosperity and reducing division.”

The Harris campaign stated that Trump’s remarks were a promise to “end democracy.” Campaign spokesperson James Singer said, “American democracy is under assault by Trump. He has promised violence if he loses and the end of our elections if he wins.”

At the same rally, Trump repeated his baseless claim that the 2020 election was rigged and that he actually won.

Sources: Washington Post, Reuters, New York Times, The Independent

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