[video] Who killed the Soviet Union? It wasn’t Gorbachov - KGB did

[video] Who killed the Soviet Union? It wasn’t Gorbachov - KGB did

The Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, likes giving lectures about the final days of the Soviet Union (or USSR – the Union of......

In 1994, France refused to offer security guarantees to Ukraine in exchange for ...

In 1994, France refused to offer security guarantees to Ukraine in exchange for ...

Russia has signaled that it is ready for peace negotiations with Ukraine and Kyiv’s Western allies are weighing the......

What is VAMPIRE and how can it help Ukraine?

What is VAMPIRE and how can it help Ukraine?

Ukraine has recently reported successful operations to defend itself from unmanned drones, particularly praising the US-made......

[video] How many nuclear warheads does Putin actually have?

[video] How many nuclear warheads does Putin actually have?

The Kremlin leader has issued a series of warnings regarding the use of nuclear missile strikes if the West continues to supply......

Bill Clinton regrets for persuading Ukrainians to give up their nuclear weapons

Bill Clinton regrets for persuading Ukrainians to give up their nuclear weapons

President Putin would have ordered the invasion of neighboring Ukraine should the latter had nuclear weapons, former US president......

Un fost diplomat american a avertizat despre renașterea fascismului în Europa

Un fost diplomat american a avertizat despre renașterea fascismului în Europa

În aprilie 2018, fosta șefă a Departamentului de Stat din SUA, Madeleine Albright, a publicat cartea ”Fascism, a......

Un ex-diplomat afirmă că războiul putea fi evitat dacă Ucraina era membră NATO

Un ex-diplomat afirmă că războiul putea fi evitat dacă Ucraina era membră NATO

Ivo Daalder, în prezent președintele Consiliului Chicago pentru Afaceri Globale, notează într-un articol de opinie......