[video] Scientists officially map out Earth’s 8th continent

[video] Scientists officially map out Earth’s 8th continent

When Dutch explorer Abel Tasman and his crew moored in 1642 on the island now known as New Zealand, he was convinced of discovery......

Chinese researchers cure deafness with genetic treatment

Chinese researchers cure deafness with genetic treatment

In a remarkable scientific advancement, Chinese researchers have reported a groundbreaking genetic treatment that has enabled......

Scientists announced the start of a new epoch in Earth’s history

Scientists announced the start of a new epoch in Earth’s history

Over the last 11,700 years, we all lived in the Holocene epoch, a relatively stable period that enabled human civilization to......

Cancer is getting younger: study reveals 79% rise in cases among people under 50

Cancer is getting younger: study reveals 79% rise in cases among people under 50

The findings call for a global strategy emphasizing prevention, early detection, and tailored treatments for younger patients. A......

Chinese researchers claim discovery of gene editing tool better than CRISPR

Chinese researchers claim discovery of gene editing tool better than CRISPR

A group of scientists affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology unveiled a......

Pfizer gets FDA approval for blood cancer therapy

Pfizer gets FDA approval for blood cancer therapy

The United States Food and Drug Administration granted on 14 August accelerated approval to Pfizer's Elrexfio, a drug designed to......

Regulators approve sale of lab-grown meat in the United States

Regulators approve sale of lab-grown meat in the United States

The US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Administration cleared earlier in June the sale of so-called......

What can be more powerful than AI? A brain-machine symbiosis

What can be more powerful than AI? A brain-machine symbiosis

Scientists are exploring the potential of using mini-brains, known as brain organoids, as processors in biocomputing systems.......

Studies on longevity describe how five species found a pathway to reverse aging

Studies on longevity describe how five species found a pathway to reverse aging

As our bodies age, various processes start to break down. Cells become zombie-like, releasing harmful chemicals. DNA accumulates......

Space X offers software engineer’s job to 14-year-old boy

Space X offers software engineer’s job to 14-year-old boy

Kairan Quazi will take a degree in computer science from the Santa Clara University School of Engineering this June and will have......

New drug may help re-grow teeth, literally

New drug may help re-grow teeth, literally

Upon replacement of the milk teeth with permanent ones, people lose the tooth renewal capability and once a permanent tooth is......

[video] Paralyzed Dutch man walks again thanks to thought-controlled implants

[video] Paralyzed Dutch man walks again thanks to thought-controlled implants

A team of Swiss and French scientists have developed the world’s first electronic implants that helped a paralyzed man walk......