GPT-4 fools more than half of humans in Turing test

OpenAI’s creation is so far the most advanced artificial intelligence deployed for the public.

OpenAI's GPT-4 has reached a level of sophistication where it can deceive over half of human test subjects into believing they are conversing with a real person.

In a recent study, cognitive science researchers from the University of California San Diego discovered that more than 50% of participants mistook GPT-4's responses for those of a human. This indicates that GPT-4 effectively passes the Turing test, a benchmark for determining machine intelligence.

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The researchers conducted an experiment involving approximately 500 participants, who engaged in five-minute text-based conversations with either a human or a chatbot powered by GPT-4.

Participants were then asked to identify whether they had been interacting with a human or an AI.

The results, detailed in the yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper, revealed that 54% of the participants believed they had been talking to a human when in fact they were communicating with GPT-4.

First proposed by computer science pioneer Alan Turing in 1950, the Turing Test was designed as a thought experiment rather than a strict protocol. Turing's original concept involved three participants: a human interrogator, a hidden human or machine, and a human observer.

The UC San Diego researchers removed the third human observer to simplify the process, but added more machines. Participants interacted with one of four entities: another human, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, or ELIZA, a primitive chatbot from the 1960s.

The researchers hypothesized that participants would generally distinguish between humans and ELIZA, but would be equally likely to mistake GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 for humans. This proved accurate: 54% mistook GPT-4 for a human, and 50% confused GPT-3.5 with a human. In contrast, only 22% believed ELIZA was human, highlighting the impressive advancements in AI sophistication.

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