Scholar explains why Canada needs its own nuclear weapons

France should serve as a model.

As the world is undergoing the most significant geopolitical shift since the Cold War, Canada must seriously consider developing its own nuclear military program, following the example of France, a scholar says.

Jean-François Bélanger, a Canadian working currently as assistant professor of Military Operations at the Royal Danish Defense College, argues in an article for The Globe and Mail, that the United States, once a reliable ally, is gradually withdrawing from European security arrangements, leaving its commitment to allies uncertain.

Jean-François Bélanger. Credit: Le Canada Francais.

Given this reality, Canada must strengthen its own defense and enhancing the traditional capabilities of the Canadian Armed Forces may not be enough. With only about 65,000 active-duty troops to defend an enormous territory, a question that once seemed absurd now demands serious consideration, he notes: Should Canada pursue the development of a nuclear weapons program?

It isn’t alone to consider this option. NATO allies are reassessing their nuclear policies to safeguard Europe and themselves - Poland has openly signaled an interest in acquiring nuclear weapons, and Germany has held similar discussions, which are likely to intensify.

There is a compelling case for Canada to follow suit - developing a nuclear capacity not only aligns with the evolving posture of European allies but also offers a deterrent against Russia and ensures continental security in light of President Donald Trump’s expansionist views and the United States' unpredictable future behavior.

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If the Canadian government sets out on the nuclear track, it should look at France rather than the United Kingdom, both of which have nuclear weapons, according to Bélanger.

British nuclear weapons could theoretically offer protection from a future Trump administration, but this option has a major setback - Britain’s nuclear arsenal is not truly independent, as it relies on American-made Trident missiles.

In addition, there are signs that the U.S. may end this collaboration, further weakening the U.K. nuclear feasibility.

British current nuclear deterrent – Trident II – will last until 2040 and no replacement has been planned yet, unless new U.S. weapons are acquired.

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France is the only European nation with an independent nuclear force, thanks to Charles De Gaulle's insistence during NATO’s early years that France could not rely on future American leadership. While France appears open to extending its nuclear umbrella to Europe and perhaps even to Canada, questions about the credibility and reliability of such an arrangement remain.

Ordinarily, the idea of Canada developing nuclear weapons would be unthinkable due to the diplomatic, security, and reputational costs. Yet, these are not ordinary times. The world is increasingly unstable, and Canada must be prepared to respond to worst-case scenarios, the scholar stated.

Technically, Canada is ready to start building nukes

From a technical perspective, Canada is well-positioned to build a nuclear arsenal. The country was involved in the Manhattan Project and now boasts one of the world’s most advanced nuclear energy sectors. It is the second-largest producer of uranium, trailing only Kazakhstan, and maintains significant stockpiles of heavy water - both crucial resources for nuclear weapons development.

The main missing piece is the capacity to reprocess materials into weapons-grade plutonium. This hurdle, however, is not insurmountable: reprocessing technologies are dual-use and can be integrated into commercial sectors to maintain plausible deniability. Alternatively, Canada could purchase the necessary materials from other sources.

Beyond acquiring nuclear material, Canada would need to establish reliable delivery systems. Without them, nuclear capability is meaningless. Several viable options exist. Developing an independent rocket launch program would be a logical step since the technology for launching space rockets closely parallels that of ballistic missiles.

Modernizing the Navy and Air Force

Canada should also reconsider its planned acquisition of hybrid diesel-electric submarines and instead pursue nuclear-powered models like the French Suffren-class submarine. These advanced submarines would not only provide secure, second-strike capabilities but also enhance Canada’s operational effectiveness in the Arctic.

Another consideration is the choice of fighter jets. Canada is currently committed to purchasing American F-35s, but there is growing domestic opposition to this plan. Shifting to European alternatives like the Dassault Rafale or the Eurofighter Typhoon - both capable of carrying nuclear weapons but much cheaper - would provide greater strategic autonomy and align more closely with other NATO allies moving in the same direction.

A number of European nations including Germany and Portugal have already signaled their withdrawal from the plans to purchase American F-35 fighter jets, opting for European brands.

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A few months ago, the idea of Canada pursuing nuclear weapons would have seemed far-fetched. However, the world is changing rapidly and the country must face the harsh reality that its territorial integrity and national sovereignty could be at risk, the expert defend his proposal.

Whether the threat comes from an expansionist Russia or an increasingly unpredictable and undemocratic United States, Canada cannot afford complacency, he added.

Jean-François Bélanger holds a PhD in Political Science from McGill University, an MA fin Political Science from Dalhousie University, and an honor’s degree in Political Science from Concordia University.

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