[video] Russia revives stalinist tradition of deploying barrage troops behind ...

[video] Russia revives stalinist tradition of deploying barrage troops behind ...

Evidence is mounting that the Russian Federation is embracing last century’s practices to force its demoralized troops......

NATO: Russia is mapping out EU and US undersea infrastructure

NATO: Russia is mapping out EU and US undersea infrastructure

Russia’s military have been scrutinizing and mapping out the undersea infrastructure for a while, a sign that its special......

What is Armata like and why Russian military don’t want this tank

What is Armata like and why Russian military don’t want this tank

As Ukraine is preparing for an all-out offensive to push back the Russian troops, the pro-war propaganda in Moscow continues to......

Crypto crime report 2023 – Illicit cryptocurrency volumes reach all-time highs

Crypto crime report 2023 – Illicit cryptocurrency volumes reach all-time highs

Despite the market downturn, illicit transaction volume rose for the second consecutive year, hitting an all-time high of $20.6......

European Union pledges more military support for Ukraine, adopts ammo production act

European Union pledges more military support for Ukraine, adopts ammo production act

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced on 3 May a new package of measures aimed at supporting......

Explosion above Kremlin dome, Russia claims Ukraine tried to assassinate Putin

Explosion above Kremlin dome, Russia claims Ukraine tried to assassinate Putin

The Russian presidential administration said Wednesday that the Kremlin complex of buildings was attacked by drones overnight in......

[video] Former Russian politician believes that Ukraine will be safe only after the ...

[video] Former Russian politician believes that Ukraine will be safe only after the ...

The Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine will most likely end with the liberation of the Crimean peninsula and the......

Denmark confirms: Russian vessel seen near North Stream's detonation point

Denmark confirms: Russian vessel seen near North Stream's detonation point

A Danish press report quotes the Norwegian Defense Command as saying in response to journalists’ enquiries that a Danish......

[video] Two Wagner mercenaries recall how and why they killed Ukrainian children

[video] Two Wagner mercenaries recall how and why they killed Ukrainian children

"Zachistka" and "obnulenye" are two frequently used words by two ex-inmates who were pardoned by Russian......

[video] Doi mercenari ”Vagner” povestesc cum și de ce au omorât copii ucraineni

[video] Doi mercenari ”Vagner” povestesc cum și de ce au omorât copii ucraineni

”Zacistka” și ”obnulenie” sunt două dintre cuvintele folosite frecvent de doi ex-deținuți care au fost......

In 1940-41, the Soviet Union was preparing to attack Nazi Germany. The Germans ...

In 1940-41, the Soviet Union was preparing to attack Nazi Germany. The Germans ...

On 22 June 1941 – or 81 years ago - Adolf Hitler's Germany attacked the Soviet Union, ruled by another tyrant, Joseph......

Scurgerea de informații secrete în SUA pune în pericol armata ucraineană

Scurgerea de informații secrete în SUA pune în pericol armata ucraineană

În ianuarie, februarie și martie în grupurile din Telegram și Discord au apărut copii de documente secrete și cu grad......