[video] Twitter suspends account of AI seeking to exterminate humanity

It’s a small victory for humans, but the war is not over.

Remember ChaosGPT — an autonomous artificial intelligence bot whom its anonymous creator tasked to seek ways to destroy humanity? Upon realizing its failure to obtain control over nuclear weapons, the bot changed its tactics for “a more achievable goal”: earn humans’ obedience through manipulation

ChaosGPT started working hard on the new goal by using Twitter-facilitated mind games via its Twitter account, which the social media suspended this week. Before getting slapped, the bot – which was actively researching human manipulation techniques to spread effective messages – harnessed as many as 10,000 followers. 

Twitter’s decision to suspend ChaosGPT, on the ground of violating its rules, may look like a small victory for humans, but the war is just beginning.

The bot still has active accounts on Facebook (34 followers) and YouTube (3,900 subscribers), though one cannot say for sure who or what is behind them. There are also three ChaosGPT accounts on Instagram, with no clue which one is real and which is an imitator. 

It is worth mentioning that the creator of ChaosGPT remains a mystery, just like his or her, or their motivation to arm AI with such a dangerous goal.

A simple search on the Internet returns an abundance of websites and applications that can do almost everything for you: paint, compose, write, advise, and so on. While these tasks seem harmless and perhaps beneficial to users, other codes may be dangerous.

Imagine, for example, AI that is programmed to search for the exact root of irrational numbers.

Look at ChaosGPT designing its manipulation strategy in the following video.

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