Russian authorities say Alexei Navalny is reported dead

A thrombus failure is alleged to be the cause of the opposition politician’s death.

Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service announced on 16 February that Alexei Navalny, 47, died in the Yamalo-Nenets detention colony #3, near the Arctic Circle. The propagandist television channel RT claimed that the opposition politician suffered a thrombus failure. He felt unfell after a walk and lost his consciousness, it said.

There’s no official autopsy report as yet.

Navalny is survived by his wife, Yulia, and their two children. His Foundation against Corruption is still active, continuing to unmask Russian elites from emigration.

Leaders around the world reacted to the news by passing condolences to the Navalny family and blaming dictator Vladimir Putin for the death of Navalny, which had been one of the loudest critics of the Kremlin and received more than 30 years in prison for that.

Information about the alleged death of Alexei Navalny is scarce. This story will be updated.

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