Global Integrity closes after almost two decades of service

The corruption reporting organization has run dry of funds.

Global Integrity, a Washington DC-based organization that reports on corruption perception and governance transparency worldwide, will close by the end of this year after 18 years of service.

“For nearly two decades, Global Integrity has been committed to the fight against corruption, continuously striving to enhance public service delivery outcomes by producing cutting-edge research, strengthening local responses, and building an extensive global network of governance reformers,” the organization said in a press release.

“We find immense pride in our efforts to meet this challenging moment with a transformation strategy, and we remain deeply humbled by the outpouring of support and collaboration from our incredible partners and allies. In the end, we were unable to secure the revenue needed to sustain operations,” Global Integrity explained.

Last time Global Integrity issued an annual report about corruption was for the year 2020 and it wasn’t calming as corruption perceptions from contributors continued exposing alarming trends.

However, Global Integrity legacy will survive thanks to the Open Gov Hub, the world’s first innovation hub for governance reform, and a vast network of investigative journalists and experts the organization had collaborated with. Your humble writer is one of those people who did freelancing in 2007, 2008, and 2011 as a peer reader and lead reporter.

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Global Integrity has not disclosed why or how it has lost the financial support from its donors, the most important being the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development / Department for International Development Office, which had contributed more than £5.5 million to the cause.

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation donated over $1.6 million and Mo Ibrahim Foundation almost half a million US dollars.

Other notable donors were Development Alternatives, Inc., Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Omidyar Network, and Proteus Fund.

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