Anonymous hacker exposes almost 1,000 crypto wallets linked to Russian security ...
Using a specific feature in the Bitcoin network called the OP_RETURN field, a mysterious user has publicly exposed that......
Using a specific feature in the Bitcoin network called the OP_RETURN field, a mysterious user has publicly exposed that......
It's no longer a secret that the Kremlin leader has substitutes who resemble Vladimir Putin and appear in public whenever there......
"Zachistka" and "obnulenye" are two frequently used words by two ex-inmates who were pardoned by Russian......
”Zacistka” și ”obnulenie” sunt două dintre cuvintele folosite frecvent de doi ex-deținuți care au fost......
On 22 June 1941 – or 81 years ago - Adolf Hitler's Germany attacked the Soviet Union, ruled by another tyrant, Joseph......
Igor Girkin, former officer of the Federal Security Service (FSB) who led the group of professional instigators in the Donbas......
Igor Ghirkin, fostul ofițer al Serviciului Federal de Securitate (FSB) care a fost în fruntea grupului de instigatori......
Steven Seagal, a martial arts master and Hollywood star, has established a limited liability company in Russia with his son......
Steven Seagal, maestru în arte marțiale și star hollywoodian, a înființat în Rusia o întreprindere cu......
The original article and links to sources are here. The protests organized by the Shor Party in the Moldovan capital, announced......
Protestele organizate de Partidul Șor în capitala moldovenească, anunțate ca acțiuni cu scopul de a critica conducerea......
Deja nu mai este un secret că liderul de la Kremlin are substituți care seamănă cu Vladimir Putin și apar în public ori de......