What dowry did Vladimir Putin offer his ex-wife, who remarried? [part 2]

What dowry did Vladimir Putin offer his ex-wife, who remarried? [part 2]

PART 1 IS HERE Business career Ludmila Putina graduated from the philology department, the Spanish language. In her youth, she......

European Commission pushes for digitalization of travel documents amid growing ...

European Commission pushes for digitalization of travel documents amid growing ...

The executive of the European Union proposed last year the digitalization of travel documents and travel facilitation for EU......

Russian conditions to end war in Ukraine: surrender and agree to land losses

Russian conditions to end war in Ukraine: surrender and agree to land losses

The Russian diplomatic service laid out the conditions under which the war in Ukraine must end, asking basically the same things......

Prigozhin: Russian war made Ukraine stronger and famous worldwide

Prigozhin: Russian war made Ukraine stronger and famous worldwide

The founder of the Wagner private army, which fights in Ukraine alongside the Russian regular forces, has long been known for......

Bill Clinton regrets for persuading Ukrainians to give up their nuclear weapons

Bill Clinton regrets for persuading Ukrainians to give up their nuclear weapons

President Putin would have ordered the invasion of neighboring Ukraine should the latter had nuclear weapons, former US president......

What are the odds (and consequences) of Russia’s disintegration?

What are the odds (and consequences) of Russia’s disintegration?

Founded in 1263 on the ruins of Kievan Rus, in the following 7 centuries, the Grand Duchy of Moscow subjugated vast territories......

One more victory for crypto: Liechtenstein moves to accept bitcoin for payments

One more victory for crypto: Liechtenstein moves to accept bitcoin for payments

Liechtenstein, a landlocked German-speaking country with some 38,000 people in Western Europe, plans to adopt bitcoin as an......

NATO: Russia is mapping out EU and US undersea infrastructure

NATO: Russia is mapping out EU and US undersea infrastructure

Russia’s military have been scrutinizing and mapping out the undersea infrastructure for a while, a sign that its special......

[video] How to tell if it's Putin or his

[video] How to tell if it's Putin or his "clones" speaking to you?

It's no longer a secret that the Kremlin leader has substitutes who resemble Vladimir Putin and appear in public whenever there......

Când Belarus va primi arme nucleare și alte povești cu balauri de la Putin

Când Belarus va primi arme nucleare și alte povești cu balauri de la Putin

Președintele Federației Ruse Vladimir a anunțat la sfârșitul lui martie 2023 că a decis să transmită o parte din rachetele......

Italy bans ChatGPT as artificial intelligence violates GDPR

Italy bans ChatGPT as artificial intelligence violates GDPR

The Italian data protection authority, Garanti, ordered the blocking of the ChatGPT, an AI bot, in Italy at the end of March, on......

ONU avertizează despre pericolul foametei globale din cauza războiului în Ucraina

ONU avertizează despre pericolul foametei globale din cauza războiului în Ucraina

Raportorul special al Națiunilor Unite pe probleme de alimentație, Michael Fakhri, a avertizat la sfârșitul......