Russian generals created Wagner-2 to derail government funds meant for mercenaries

Russian generals created Wagner-2 to derail government funds meant for mercenaries

The founder and leader of the Russian private military company Wagner has often appeared critical and even angry with the Defense......

[video] Bellingcat’s lead Russia investigator predicts Ukraine winning until 2024

[video] Bellingcat’s lead Russia investigator predicts Ukraine winning until 2024

Christo Grozev, a Bulgaria-born investigative journalist who is among the most informed commentators about the Russian-Ukrainian......

[video] Still waiting for the Ukrainian offensive? Looks like it has begun

[video] Still waiting for the Ukrainian offensive? Looks like it has begun

With rapid attacks towards the villages of Velika Novosilka and Novodonetske in the Donetsk province, the Ukrainian military......

[video] Moscow has achieved none of its goals in Ukraine, high ranking Russian ...

[video] Moscow has achieved none of its goals in Ukraine, high ranking Russian ...

Russia has failed to achieve any of the goals set by President Vladimir Putin during the invasion of Ukraine and victory is......

Soldier who murdered unarmed man, raped his wife, and killed their dogs:

Soldier who murdered unarmed man, raped his wife, and killed their dogs: "I'm sick. ...

After the world learned of the atrocities committed by the Russian military in the Ukrainian village of Bucha, an investigation......

Prigozhin: Russian war made Ukraine stronger and famous worldwide

Prigozhin: Russian war made Ukraine stronger and famous worldwide

The founder of the Wagner private army, which fights in Ukraine alongside the Russian regular forces, has long been known for......

[video] Two Wagner mercenaries recall how and why they killed Ukrainian children

[video] Two Wagner mercenaries recall how and why they killed Ukrainian children

"Zachistka" and "obnulenye" are two frequently used words by two ex-inmates who were pardoned by Russian......

Separatist instigator in Ukraine and the Wagner mercenary leader crack down on ...

Separatist instigator in Ukraine and the Wagner mercenary leader crack down on ...

Igor Girkin, former officer of the Federal Security Service (FSB) who led the group of professional instigators in the Donbas......

După Ucraina, Rusia ar putea să poarte încă un război

După Ucraina, Rusia ar putea să poarte încă un război

Declanșând războiul împotriva Ucrainei, conducerea de la Kremlin a urmărit câteva obiective strategice. Unu,......

[video] Veterani ai forțelor speciale americane și britanice, pregătiți să lupte de ...

[video] Veterani ai forțelor speciale americane și britanice, pregătiți să lupte de ...

Cei 10 veterani ai forțelor cu destinație specială din țările NATO sunt specializați în combaterea terorismului, operațiuni......

De ce Rusia nu va invada Ucraina – fapte și argumente

De ce Rusia nu va invada Ucraina – fapte și argumente

După ce agenția Bloomberg a publicat un posibil plan de invadare a Ucrainei de către Federația Rusă și imagini de satelit ce......