Elon Musk thwarted Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol by shutting down Starlink

Elon Musk thwarted Ukrainian attack on Sevastopol by shutting down Starlink

The CEO of the private aeronautic company SpaceX secretly instructed his engineers to deactivate the Starlink satellite......

[video] Former advisor to Ukrainian president says “Europe is dead”

[video] Former advisor to Ukrainian president says “Europe is dead”

Once a staunch supporter of Ukraine’s integration within the European Union and close ties with the United States, a former......

Russian church is set to waste its most precious Orthodox relic

Russian church is set to waste its most precious Orthodox relic

Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the Tretyakov Gallery Museum in Moscow to transmit a rare icon to the Russian......

[video] During the Wagner mutiny, the West “prayed” the Putin regime to hold on

[video] During the Wagner mutiny, the West “prayed” the Putin regime to hold on

The 23-24 June uprising of the Wagner group did not make the West happy; on the contrary, the allies were terrified of the......

[video] US senators propose resolution on Zaporizhia nuclear power plant

[video] US senators propose resolution on Zaporizhia nuclear power plant

Hours after an emotional speech by Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski that Russia was plotting a terror attack at the......

Russian senator demands three more Ukrainian regions in exchange for negotiations

Russian senator demands three more Ukrainian regions in exchange for negotiations

Ukraine must transfer three more regions under Russia’s control in order to qualify for peace negotiations, a member of the......

What are Kyiv's odds to earn an invitation at the NATO summit in July?

What are Kyiv's odds to earn an invitation at the NATO summit in July?

Some NATO members such as Poland and the three Baltic countries may be willing to deploy troops on the ground in Ukraine, if the......

[videos] Russia blows up major dam to slow down Ukrainian offensive

[videos] Russia blows up major dam to slow down Ukrainian offensive

The Dnipro River dam of the Nova Kakhovka hydro power plant under Russian occupation in southern Ukraine was destroyed early on 6......

[videos] Russian capital under drone attack

[videos] Russian capital under drone attack

Between 25 and 32 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) hit the Russian capital and surrounding areas in the morning of 30 May, with......

Explosion above Kremlin dome, Russia claims Ukraine tried to assassinate Putin

Explosion above Kremlin dome, Russia claims Ukraine tried to assassinate Putin

The Russian presidential administration said Wednesday that the Kremlin complex of buildings was attacked by drones overnight in......

[video] Arestovici: Partenerii occidentali deja se tem de Ucraina

[video] Arestovici: Partenerii occidentali deja se tem de Ucraina

Oleksii Arestovici, consilierul demisionat al președintelui Ucrainei Volodimir Zelenski, a declarat jurnalistului Dmitri Gordon......

De ce și cum Putin încearcă să destabilizeze Republica Moldova

De ce și cum Putin încearcă să destabilizeze Republica Moldova

Protestele organizate de Partidul Șor în capitala moldovenească, anunțate ca acțiuni cu scopul de a critica conducerea......